Adding Custom Branding With Echoworx

Echoworx provides customizable branding options in 28 languages for encrypted messages and web portal, enhancing brand identity and user trust. Tailor your corporate look across global communications, breaking down language barriers. Explore how our Branding and Customization features can elevate your secure communications. Schedule a meeting with our experts to dive deeper.


Making sure emails look good across all devices and email services is hard, especially when catering to a broad demographic.

In this virtual demo, Echoworx’s Vice President of Customer Engineering highlights our extensive branding capabilities. Explore ways to tailor your customer experience. Tune in now.


Control your company’s logo, text and unique colours using custom graphics, CSS styles, and HTML content beyond the header and footer to include buttons, encryption portal, notifications, help center, and more.


Echoworx supports 28 languages:

Czech | Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese (Simplified) | Danish | Dutch | English | English (UK) | Finnish | French (Canada) | French | German | Greek | Hungarian | Hebrew | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Portuguese (Brazil) | Romain | Russian | Spanish | Swedish | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh


Display language, number formats, and logos based on the receiving person’s location for a highly personalized and effortless experience. Leverage localized templates with built-in support for 28 languages and regional time zone settings.


Configure how sender and customer-facing notifications display, such as verifications, terms of service, support guidance, welcome messages, language selection, and more.


Easily automate enterprise-wide branding, eliminating inconsistencies and production bottlenecks. With Echoworx, you can apply multiple templates based on localized rules and company polices without manual intervention.

Out Source

The Echoworx Engagement team, offers branding-as-a-service, including configuring custom branding templates to meet your specific business requirements.

Interested in a personalized demonstration? 

Learn more about our branding and customization features with a demo designed just for you.

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Rated 5 out of 5

Echoworx provides custom branding as a service

“Our old encryption platform offered what we could call rudimentary branding, but what Echoworx did for us was much more sophisticated and included features such as multiple language support."

— Senior Vice President of Engineering in the Finance Industry

Security Assurance & Certification Programs