Make Access to Secure Portal Messages Easy For Clients

With flexible user access, Echoworx enables security without sacrificing usability or negatively impacting business processes. In this overview, Echoworx VP Customer Engineering, walks you through the eight authentication options available to you when using our web portal pull delivery option. Watch to learn more.

Topics featured in this video demo:

Echoworx provides flexible user authentication for its Portal User feature, catering to usability and security needs. Users can log in traditionally or opt for OAuth or OpenID authentication, including biometric authentication for enhanced security, especially on mobile devices. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, customizable to organizational preferences.

For heightened security, per-message authentication prompts users with challenges like Sender Set or Out of Band verification. No Auth simplifies inbound communication via a link, while SMS verification ensures secure message delivery without account creation.

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